Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s air. It is caused by greenhouse gases which increase the atmosphere’s temperature. The greenhouse gases contain some gases like Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide. The greenhouse gases come from the burning of fossil fuels . The temperature of the air increases when the greenhouse's rate rises more than normal. The main reason for the increase in the greenhouse gases rate is people's activities, such as factories and vehicles. That causes decrease in the average temperature of the atmosphere, which is getting warmer. The increase in the earth’s near surface temperature causes many dangerous impacts. The ice near poles is starting to melt which raises the sea level. It also affects the weather badly. The climate changes can cause many of natural disasters and big damage. For example, melting glaciers, the rising of sea surface, droughts and cyclones.
Very interesting, I especially like the way that you start by introducing the UAE move towards the development of renewable and/or nonpolluting energy sources.
I like the graphics, I will use these with my students to help illustrate the problems Global Warming is making to the world.
How would you answer people who claim that global warming will rectify itself? One such argument is that as the earth gets warmer, the icecaps will melt and create more water in the atmosphere which will then make more clouds and these will help to block out the that from the sun. Is this a valid argument? Would you agree or disagree with such a comment? Why?
Overall, I like the bloga nd I think that you should investigate ways to publicise it further afield so that more people become aware of the issues facing the planet right now.
I would also say that as add-ons to the blog, you ought to look further into the chemical interactions that are taking place, the possible effect on low-lying communities, the differences we are now expereincing in weather patterns etc.
Well done,
This is a great site Hussan
You have put a lot of work into this well done.
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